Create Your Dream Job as a Gentle Sleep Coach

Hi there, Did you know that the demand for well-trained sleep coaches far outweighs the supply? My mission is to make excellent, quality sleep advice available to parents all over the world. But, I can’t do it alone. This is where you come in! There are too many sleepless babies and tired parents all over

What Makes a Sleep Coach Certification Program Great?

Hi there, I’ve been training sleep coaches since 2010 (more than a decade!) – and have seen so many programs take after my sleep coach certification. I am truly flattered, but I believe that my program can never be recreated or imitated. There are several key components of my Gentle Sleep Coach Training Program that

Handouts: Week Ten (Spanish)

Habilidades de escucha (Listening Skills) Child Development Chart (1-6 months) Child Development Chart (7-12 months) Child Development Chart (13-18 months) Child Development Chart (19-24 months) Child Development Chart (25-36 months)  Preguntas de habilidades de coaching GSC (GSC Coaching Skills – Powerful Questions)

Handouts: Week Nine (Spanish)

Habilidades de escucha (Listening Skills) Child Development Chart (1-6 months) Child Development Chart (7-12 months) Child Development Chart (13-18 months) Child Development Chart (19-24 months) Child Development Chart (25-36 months)  Preguntas de habilidades de coaching GSC (GSC Coaching Skills – Powerful Questions)

Handouts: Week Eight (Spanish)

5 razonespor las quesuhijo no durmió anoche (5 Reasons Why Your Child Did NotSleep Last Night) Contrato del cliente (Client Contract) liberación de información (Information Release)   Taller GSC Taller de Sueño para Familias (Dream Workshop for Families) Esquema del Taller para Familias (Outline of Workshop for Families) Lista de verificación de GNST (GNST Checklist)

Handouts: Week Seven (Spanish)

Transtornos del estado de ánimo postparto (Postpartum Depression – slide handout) Recursos: —Apoyo postparto internacional (Postpartum Support International) —Despertando tuamor para recibir a tubebe (Awakening Your Love to Welcome Your Baby) —Más allá de la melancolía: Una guía para comprender y tratar la depresión y la ansiedad prenatal y posparto (Beyond melancholy: A guide to

Handouts: Week Six (Spanish)

 Plantilla de seguimiento (Follow-Up Template)  Estudio de Caso Olivia (Case Study Olivia)  Estudio de Caso Wes (Case Study Wes)  Folleto Dr. Shosh (Dr. Shosh’s Flyer)